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To browse Academia. Excavations conducted at ancient Merv — provided many results on the economy of the ancient city. This paper looks at new evidence for the Sasanian food and fibre industries arising from detailed analyses of the excavated environmental remains, the first to be examined from a Sasanian city-site. The detailed results by the different specialists involved are forthcoming in the final monographs underway on these excavations. Volume 1: Ancient Central Asia in the context of the Eurasian cultural space new data and concepts. To the 90th anniversary of the birth of the Patriarch of Eurasian archeology Vadim Mikhailovich Masson.
Отдел по образованию Хотимского райисполкома. Государственное учреждение образования. Хотимска" г.
To browse Academia. Rusenikhino burial ground is a unique monument of the 10th—11th centuries encompassing a variety of information for studying the Mari culture of the Middle Ages. It was discovered and explored by the Mari Archaeological Expedition in Individual fragments of the obtained material formed the basis of preliminary articles on various aspects of the culture: costume, funeral rites, and beliefs.